Aroma Touch Certification Course, Winston-Salem, NC

Saturday, 30 June 2018 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM EST

2200 Reynolda Rd, Winston Salem, NC, 27106, United States

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Registration/Payment Details Partial Approval - $25.00

Please pay $25 to reserve your spot and $124 on location when you arrive with cash or check (to Ami Shroyer). Thank you!

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  • Fee
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1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Saturday, 30 June 2018 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM EST

Please join us for this Saturday course on June 30th, 2018!

Throughout the morning, you will receive 3 hours of science and demonstration. We'll share lunch and conversation together briefly (bring your lunch), followed by an afternoon of rotations in which you will give, recieve, and assist in the Aroma Touch while receiving hands-on training. We will close with learning and practicing the Aroma Touch Hand Technique — a benefit you can share with anyone — anytime, anywhere!

There will be time for personal Q & A throughout the day.

The cost is $149 for this course. Please pay the $25 deposit to secure your spot and bring the remaining $124 in a check (to Ami Shroyer) or cash on the day of training.

Cost covers the training, certification processes, an oil kit, and your entrance to a password protected online training guide.

Bring with you:
* lunch, snacks, water (it's a long day)
* 2 sheets (both can be flat or one flat one fitted
* a pillow or bolster (to prop up your legs while you are lying on the massage table)
* a button-down shirt or robe to use while getting on and off of the massage table modestly
* an enthusiastic heart and a teachable, serving spirit!
 I can't wait to see you for this special time!

Thank you!

Ami Shroyer
Wellness Advocate, HCC, and ATT Trainer
*desiring wholeness in every home*

Ami Shroyer

Join the Aroma Touch Revolution with ATT Trainer, Ami Shroyer. Our mission: Aroma Touch in every home!

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